

Miley Cyrus ៖ ពីព្រះនាងតូចរបស់ Disney ទៅជាតារាដ៏សិចស៊ីមើលមិនចុះភ្នែក

Miley Cyrus ត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ជាលើកដំបូង ទៅតាមកម្មវិធីរបស់ទូរទស្សន៍ Disney ដោយ
ឈ្មោះ Hannah Montana ដែលធ្វើអោយនាងល្បីរហូតមក ដល់នាងត្រូវបានគេដាក់ឈ្មោះ
អោយថាជា ព្រះនាងតូចរបស់ Disney ។ តែបន្ទាប់ពីធំពេញវ័យមក នាងចាប់ផ្តើមកែប្រែខ្លួន
នាងទៅជា តារាចំរៀងវ័យក្មេងម្នាក់ កំពូលសិចស៊ី ដែលគ្មានអ្នកណាម្នាក់ស្មានដល់ថា នាង
កែប្រែខ្លួនដល់ថ្នាក់នេះទេ ។ ខាងក្រោមនេះ គឺជាការវិវត្តន៍របស់នាង ចាប់ពីឆ្នាំ ២០០៦ ដល់
២០១៣ ។


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage last year in January

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in February last year


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage last year in March

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in April last year

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in May last year


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage last year in July

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in August last year

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in September last year

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in October last year


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage in December last year

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 13 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 14 years


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 15 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 16 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 17 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 18 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 19 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 20 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 21 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 22 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 23 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 24 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 25 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 26 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 27 years


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 28 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 29 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 30 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 31 years


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 32 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 33 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 34 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 35 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 36 years


Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 37 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 38 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 39 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 40 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 41 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 42 years

Looking back at the "makeover" of Miley on stage over 43 years

ដោយ ៖ លីលី
ប្រភព ៖ k14 

Tags: Miley Cyrus star entertainment singer music video hannah montana